
Client PAYE Tax Reference 

A new Employee PAYE Tax Reference field has been added to the Maintenance - Client - Financials folder and a new merge field to output this value has been added to the Reports - Supplier - CIS Sub-Contractors Statement.

Client/Tenant/Supplier Contact Data Sharing Approval

New Contact fields for 'Data Sharing Approval flag, Data Sharing Approval Date and Data Sharing Approval Source have been added to a new Client / Tenant / Supplier - Contacts - Approvals folder.

Event List Updating

A new 'GUI Eventlist' flag has been added to the System User - Event Options folder, with options for 'Auto Refresh' and 'Queue'. If set to 'Auto Refresh', then the event list is automatically updated whenever anything changes on it. If set to 'Queue' then the user must select the 'Refresh' button on the event list to update the event list with changes. The 'Queue' option is useful where the users eventlist is large and continuously being updated, because when auto refresh is happening, the display is repositioned to the top of the list whenever it is auto updated, and the 'Queue' option allows the user to determine when this happens.

New HRMC Schedule 23 Report

A new HMRC Schedule 23 Report has been added to the Client - Reports menu, providing an output of the annual income received on behalf of clients in the format required for HMRC Submission. New fields for NI Number and Unique Taxpayer Reference have been added to the Client - Payment - Details folder for use in this report.

Selection Criteria in P&L/Balance Sheet Reports

Additional selection criteria of Client Analysis Group/Type and Property Analysis Group/Type have been added to the reports - Client - Financial Statements - Profit & Loss/Balance Sheet Reports.

Nominal Detail Report Additional Output

The Reports - Client - Nominal Detail Report has been amended to ad Client-Analysis Group/Type as selection criteria and the entity 'Analysis' column groups have been added to the user defined report available columns.

PIR Workflow Jobs

The Entries - Supplier - PIR Update/Authorisation option now allows update of the Job Workflow folder if the PIR record has been linked to a Job. In addition, the Maintenance - Job/Contract - Job - Details folder has been amended so that the label of the 'Status' field changes to 'Status (to be completed)' if the job is a workflow type, and this change is also reflected on the 'List' folder.

Making Tax Digital 

Propman has been updated to cater for the HMRC Making Tax Digital API - a separate guide is available detailing this.


A new IFRS 16 calculation framework option has been added into Propman - a separate guide is available detailing this.